Dez 3
Schwyz   T1  
3 Dez 08
Strolling in the snow - from Willerzell to Schindellegi via Stöcklichürz and Etzel
Due to the considerable risk of avalanches published on the slf pages, my friend and I decided to cancel the ski tour we had planned for this day. Since the weather forecast for the morning was excellent, I decided to do a little hike in the morning instead. I arrived in  Willerzell, Bodenmattli shortly after 7 AM and...
Publiziert von 360 3. Dezember 2008 um 20:40 (Fotos:16)
Nov 26
St.Gallen   L  
26 Nov 08
Hüenerchopf from Mels Plons – a hearty ski season opener
Most of the people start in Vermol in order to get up to the Hüenerchopf. If there’s enough snow you can start the ski tour all the way down in Mels Plons – if you do so you get 1700 meters in altitude difference which you can ski down, but you have to walk it all up too... For a season opener it was kind of a lot...
Publiziert von 360 27. November 2008 um 09:00 (Fotos:17)
Nov 19
Sottoceneri   T4  
19 Nov 08
Monte Tamaro – a spontaneous exploration of the north ridge on a day with extremely clear views
My original plan for this day was to do the Ticino classic from Rivera to Monte Tamaro and Monte Lema and then catch a bus in Miglieglia. However, when I changed train in Bellinzona and looked up to Monte Tamaro the north ridge caught my attention. When I studied it from the train it looked doable all the way down to the Magadino...
Publiziert von 360 23. November 2008 um 11:03 (Fotos:20 | Kommentare:2)
Nov 16
St.Gallen   T5- II  
16 Nov 08
Raaberg East and West – an interesting and surprisingly easy traverse above the sea of fog
So far I have only visited Raaberg West (P.1779 on the 25K Map), once in spring and once in fall, but not the actual Raaberg (P. 1723) as described in the SAC guide. The description in there is not really all that “appetizing”: “Der Berg wird selten bestiegen, denn jähe Rasenhänge und ein Legföhrengürtel erschweren den...
Publiziert von 360 18. November 2008 um 15:52 (Fotos:20)
Nov 8
Saanenland   T5 II  
8 Nov 08
Hikr gathering – when hikrs meet hikrs, hikrs hike with hikrs and hikrs hiccup with hikrs
First of all thanks to Alpin_Rise and ossi for organizing this happening. It was a wonderful weekend for me too! It was very nice to see all the hikrs I’ve read about and seen pictures of in person. I was not surprised but pleased anyway, to find out that hikrs think alike, have the same interests and immediately get along...
Publiziert von 360 12. November 2008 um 13:55 (Fotos:31 | Kommentare:7)
Nov 5
Zürich   T5  
5 Nov 08
Hörnli via Westwand and over all the hills to the top of Zurich – a surprisingly sunny and warm day
I didn’t expect much from the weather on this day, the forecast said something like “föhnige Aufhellungen” but mostly cloudy. So I though I’d give the “classic” amongst the Zürioberland Alpin community the Hörnli Westwand a try and then go home after that. Well, the weather was so...
Publiziert von 360 6. November 2008 um 15:50 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:3)
Okt 26
St.Gallen   T5  
26 Okt 08
Gonzen via Follaplatten and Gletschergrube – Following the footsteps of hikr VIPs
After Alpin_Rise published the route up to Gonzen via the Follaplatten and Gletschergrube in his report last fall, there was a big run in spring this year for this route by many hikr VIPs (like Delta: click, Fenek and Zaza: clack, and 3614adrian cluck). They all repeated this route in more or less similar ways. Of course I was...
Publiziert von 360 29. Oktober 2008 um 19:23 (Fotos:18)
Okt 19
Appenzell   T5 II  
19 Okt 08
Widderalpstöck (Hauptgipfel, nameloser Turm, Mittelgipfel) - the non-climbing routes
The peaks of the Widderalpstöck are an Eldorado for climbers and on a weekend like this frequently visited by them. Alpine hikers often neglect them, probably for several reasons: The close by Hundstein is higher and offers a "better" view of the Alpstein, the non-climbing accesses to the peaks of all Widderalpstöck are not...
Publiziert von 360 22. Oktober 2008 um 08:25 (Fotos:26)
Okt 12
St.Gallen   T6  
12 Okt 08
Gamschopf at last - and a new route in the north-west flank
After my failed attempt to climb Gamschopf a few weeks ago, I wanted to make sure I would succeed this time. For slippery steep grass, I even carried crampons with me, just in case… However, I didn’t need any aids at all and even found a new (?) relatively easy access (as compared to the east-ridge from Lauchwis) to...
Publiziert von 360 15. Oktober 2008 um 13:39 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:2)
Okt 8
Unterengadin   T3  
8 Okt 08
Piz Chastè, inspecting the west ridge of Piz Murtera and observing bearded vultures
As Anna described in her report we did an easy nice hike together. Ever since our last hike together in July we tried to meet again, but for one or the other reason it never worked out. Even though the weather forecast wasn’t the very best we met at 8:56 AM in the train from Salgliains to Susch. From Susch we walked up to...
Publiziert von 360 14. Oktober 2008 um 14:41 (Fotos:18)
Sep 30
Locarnese   T4  
30 Sep 08
From Monte Brè to Lavertezzo – a foggy affair
My plan was to follow the peaks and ridges between the Maggia and Verzasca valley from Monte Brè all the way to Madom da Sgiòf. The weather forecast for this day wasn’t all that bad and because I was in the Ticino already, I wanted to prolong my stay for at least another day, especially since the forecast for...
Publiziert von 360 22. Oktober 2008 um 17:25 (Fotos:13)
Sep 27
Valsertal   T3  
27 Sep 08
Plaun la Greina - a rewarding classic. A two day hike from Vrin to Campo Blenio
November 11th 1986 was a good day for the Greina high plateau. The project to build a dam and flood this unique high plateau was abandoned due to “economic reasons”. Well, it wasn’t just “economic reasons”, the protesting Swiss, nature loving population (including me) sure helped too to save this...
Publiziert von 360 5. Oktober 2008 um 21:48 (Fotos:34)
Sep 17
St.Gallen   T4  
17 Sep 08
Adventurous Alpstein – or how I had to give up on Gamschopf
The tours recently published on hikr about Gamschopf inspired me to give it a try as well. Unlike Delta or Alpin_Rise I don’t feel comfortable to climb a III up and down without any safeguards so I decided to approach Gamschopf from the Lauchwissattel via N ridge. Both Delta and Alpin_Rise said in their reports here and here...
Publiziert von 360 20. September 2008 um 23:52 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:4)
Sep 10
St.Gallen   T6 II  
10 Sep 08
Leistchamm Trilogy, Nägeliberg and Schäären
I’ve been on all three Leistchamm before but never on all of them on the same day. For this day it was my main goal and then afterwards I wanted to decide what to do depending on the weather and mood. As so often before I started my hike in Arvenbüel going up to (Hinter- or Amdener-) Leistchamm on the marked route...
Publiziert von 360 14. September 2008 um 19:02 (Fotos:15 | Kommentare:7)
Aug 13
Solothurn   T5  
13 Aug 08
Top of Solothurn and a few other Jura summits
The weather forecast for the Alps as well as eastern and southern Switzerland wasn’t very good at least for the morning. Therefore, I decided to go west. Checking on hikr I found that I could combine the top of Solothurn, Hasenmatt with some other summits in the area and at the end give the north side of Bettlachstock a try....
Publiziert von 360 15. August 2008 um 00:25 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 6
Schwyz   T5  
6 Aug 08
Schijen, the one which is in GL, SZ and UR
There aren’t very many mountains in Switzerland where you can walk around the summit and at the same time visit 3 different cantons. The Schijen is one of them. At P.2610 the 3 cantons Glarus, Schwyz and Uri join up. The path up there isn’t very easy no matter how you go up there and that’s probably one of the reasons why it...
Publiziert von 360 9. August 2008 um 11:30 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 30
St.Gallen   T5 II  
30 Jul 08
Chammhalde - Öhrli – Hüenerberg – Girenspitz – Säntis
Ever since I bought the SAC guide “Säntis – Churfirsten” I wanted to climb the Öhrli. Those of you who own this book probably know why. On the cover of the guide there is a beautiful picture of the Öhrli which really invites you to go up there: But how should I go up to the Öhrli? About a month ago Omega3...
Publiziert von 360 2. August 2008 um 19:04 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 23
Unterengadin   T4  
23 Jul 08
Piz Chapisun – ZS or not that’s the question
In her report Piz Chapisun (Versuch) über den S-Grat Anna wrote: Dann, haben wir entscheiden dass es wird besser noch einmal den Gipfel zu versuchen, vielleicht mit der Begleitung von 360,  um endlich antworten an die Frage: „Ist der Piz Chapisun ein ZS oder nicht?“ Stani wrote in an email to me: ...
Publiziert von 360 26. Juli 2008 um 12:40 (Fotos:22)
Jul 16
St.Gallen   T5  
16 Jul 08
Federispitz & Speer including "trial and error" on the NE ridge of Federi
I have been on Federispitz and Speer numerous times. Since a work related event happened to be on Speer on this day, I wanted to explore a few uneasy “paths” up to these well-known. My plans for the day were rather ambitious – too ambitious as it turned out. I intended to go up to Federispitz from...
Publiziert von 360 20. Juli 2008 um 13:26 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 9
Davos   T4 I  
9 Jul 08
Pischahorn south ridge revisited
On my way down from the Pischahorn two weeks ago, I took the south ridge which is rated ZS in the SAC guide. I found it not difficult at all, but rated it a T4 only. On this hike I revisited the Pischahorn south ridge together with Anna, Stani and Zina (see their report here), this time the other way around from Tschuggen up to...
Publiziert von 360 13. Juli 2008 um 12:52 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)