Monte Pisanino
Monte Pisanino is the highest peak in the Apuane and one of the few hikes which includes a blue blazed trail. To make this hike even more of a challenge I used public transport to get to and from the trailhead at Resceto. There are (as of 2017) only three buses a day to Resceto and the bus number is L78: the buses leave from the center of Massa and there is one around 6:30 am, a bus around 1 pm and the last bus is around 6:30 pm. The trip from Massa to Resceto takes around 25 minutes. Buy the tickets for a trip for 10 km - 20 km in a tabacaria. If you arrive at Massa by train, which I did, you will have to either walk the ~1 km into the center of Massa or catch a bus. To do this hike I did a lot of research on train and bus times but keep in mind this is Italy so timetables are more like suggestions rather than strictly followed. This can be both a blessing and a curse.
After arriving at Resceto, I topped up my water because I knew I would not pass any water sources on the hike. There is a public fountain at the bus turnaround. The hike to Pisanino begins along the Via Vandelli which is an old road across the Apuane. The road is a bit rocky but the grade is only a few percent. After ~1 km I took the trail number 166 which is to the left of what looks like a retaining wall. The trail became more rocky and the grade steepened. The next km is quite a slog uphill but I started to get some good views down the valley and of the Via Vandelli zig-zagging across the hillside on the opposite side of the valley. After the junction with trail number 163, the next km along trail 166 is steeper still and the trail is not as well marked as it could be. The red and white trail blazes are there, I just found it hard to spot them easily. If you don't see one for ~50 m, you've taken a wrong turn. Over the next km I climbed ~500 m until I reached the outskirts of the marble quarry and then I followed the quarry road up to the Focolaacia pass. The road is steep but it is smooth and came as a relief after the previous km. It took me about 3 hours to get from Resceto to Focolaccia. At Focolaccia I got my first glimpse of Pisanino - it's that great hulking mountain to the north. The trail to Pisanino from Focolaccia goes through the quarry and is marked with big, black painted signs. Watch out for quarry vehicles if you are hiking this trail Monday to Friday. After passing through the quarry I followed the road and then took the well-marked turn for trail number 179. After ~1 km you will reach the trail to Pisanino which is clearly marked with blue paint on a large rock. From the Focolaccia to the Pisanino turn the grade is level and took ~30 minutes
The trail to Pisanino is very well blazed with blue. It begins by dropping ~100 m in order to get past the three Pizzo to the left. After passing the second Pizzo the trail regains the altitude lost at the beginning. The trail is rocky in places but not hard. After 500 m or so, the trail passes over the saddle of the ridge after which it steepens considerably. The 200 m of altitude needed to get to the crest of the Pisanino come in several sections of short climbs, each 1-3 m, separated by a few meters of path. This section is the hardest part of the hike and I needed both hands. The 'climb' is mostly protected which is nice. After an hour or so I reached the ridge along the crest of Pisanino at which point I was at ~1900 m. Initially the trail to the peak is very narrow and exposed but towards the summit it broadens out. The views from the top are tremendous and I could see all of the Gramolazzo valley.
The descent is tricky and the 200 m of downclimbing took a lot of time. After I reached the saddle, the hike back to Focolaccia became less technical. In my case I had to march as fast as I could because a stray thunderstorm was approaching. I got to Foccolaccia just as it began to rain and so I had to shelter under the eaves of the quarry buildings for 30 minutes. Once the rain had stopped I traced my route down the quarry road but rather than taking trail 166, I decided to take trail 36 to Foce della Vettolina in order to be able to turn onto trail 170 and pass a water source. The hike down trail 36 was not as steep as the last km of 166 but the grass on the trail was wet and I ended up slipping a lot. Eventually I reached Foce della Vettolina and turned onto trail 170. It was at this point I realized I had made a mistake. Trail 170 from Foce della Vettolina down to Via Vandelli is very overgrown with thorns and bramble and barely blazed. It was only by luck I didn't lose the trail and by the time I reached Via Vandelli, I was covered in scratches. The water source turned out to be a fetid puddle and not something I would drink even filtered.
I got back to Resceto around 4:30 and headed to the bar in the village. The bus back to Massa was scheduled to arrive around 7pm so I had plenty of time to eat some food, massage my muscles and enjoy the tranquility of the Apuane.
After arriving at Resceto, I topped up my water because I knew I would not pass any water sources on the hike. There is a public fountain at the bus turnaround. The hike to Pisanino begins along the Via Vandelli which is an old road across the Apuane. The road is a bit rocky but the grade is only a few percent. After ~1 km I took the trail number 166 which is to the left of what looks like a retaining wall. The trail became more rocky and the grade steepened. The next km is quite a slog uphill but I started to get some good views down the valley and of the Via Vandelli zig-zagging across the hillside on the opposite side of the valley. After the junction with trail number 163, the next km along trail 166 is steeper still and the trail is not as well marked as it could be. The red and white trail blazes are there, I just found it hard to spot them easily. If you don't see one for ~50 m, you've taken a wrong turn. Over the next km I climbed ~500 m until I reached the outskirts of the marble quarry and then I followed the quarry road up to the Focolaacia pass. The road is steep but it is smooth and came as a relief after the previous km. It took me about 3 hours to get from Resceto to Focolaccia. At Focolaccia I got my first glimpse of Pisanino - it's that great hulking mountain to the north. The trail to Pisanino from Focolaccia goes through the quarry and is marked with big, black painted signs. Watch out for quarry vehicles if you are hiking this trail Monday to Friday. After passing through the quarry I followed the road and then took the well-marked turn for trail number 179. After ~1 km you will reach the trail to Pisanino which is clearly marked with blue paint on a large rock. From the Focolaccia to the Pisanino turn the grade is level and took ~30 minutes
The trail to Pisanino is very well blazed with blue. It begins by dropping ~100 m in order to get past the three Pizzo to the left. After passing the second Pizzo the trail regains the altitude lost at the beginning. The trail is rocky in places but not hard. After 500 m or so, the trail passes over the saddle of the ridge after which it steepens considerably. The 200 m of altitude needed to get to the crest of the Pisanino come in several sections of short climbs, each 1-3 m, separated by a few meters of path. This section is the hardest part of the hike and I needed both hands. The 'climb' is mostly protected which is nice. After an hour or so I reached the ridge along the crest of Pisanino at which point I was at ~1900 m. Initially the trail to the peak is very narrow and exposed but towards the summit it broadens out. The views from the top are tremendous and I could see all of the Gramolazzo valley.
The descent is tricky and the 200 m of downclimbing took a lot of time. After I reached the saddle, the hike back to Focolaccia became less technical. In my case I had to march as fast as I could because a stray thunderstorm was approaching. I got to Foccolaccia just as it began to rain and so I had to shelter under the eaves of the quarry buildings for 30 minutes. Once the rain had stopped I traced my route down the quarry road but rather than taking trail 166, I decided to take trail 36 to Foce della Vettolina in order to be able to turn onto trail 170 and pass a water source. The hike down trail 36 was not as steep as the last km of 166 but the grass on the trail was wet and I ended up slipping a lot. Eventually I reached Foce della Vettolina and turned onto trail 170. It was at this point I realized I had made a mistake. Trail 170 from Foce della Vettolina down to Via Vandelli is very overgrown with thorns and bramble and barely blazed. It was only by luck I didn't lose the trail and by the time I reached Via Vandelli, I was covered in scratches. The water source turned out to be a fetid puddle and not something I would drink even filtered.
I got back to Resceto around 4:30 and headed to the bar in the village. The bus back to Massa was scheduled to arrive around 7pm so I had plenty of time to eat some food, massage my muscles and enjoy the tranquility of the Apuane.
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