Hikr for mobile

Publiziert von Stani™, 2. Juni 2023 um 16:55. Diese Seite wurde 723 mal angezeigt.


Hikr.org Mobile v.1 ist da. Es ist sehr einfach:
  • Um die rechte Spalte anzuzeigen, klicke auf die grosse Schaltfläche oben rechts der Seite
  • Um das Hauptmenü (Home, Journal, Regionen ...) anzuzeigen, klicke auf das Logo oben links auf der Seite
  • Auf der Fotoseite gibt es unter das Foto eine neue Schaltfläche „Weiter“.
  • "Tourenbericht eintragen", "Präferenzen" und "Meine Listen" findest Du auf Deine Benutzerseite

Es sieht noch nicht alles sehr gut aus. Wenn Du etwas findest, dass verbessert werden kann, hinterlasse hier einen Kommentar.

Hikr.org mobile v.1 è qui. È molto semplice:
  • Per visualizzare la colonna di destra, fai clic sul grande pulsante in alto a destra nella pagina
  • Per visualizzare il menu in alto (Home, Giornale, Regioni...) clicca sul logo in alto a sinistra della pagina
  • La pagina delle foto ha un nuovo pulsante successivo sotto la foto
  • Troverai i menu "Aggiungi rapporto", "Impostazioni" e "Le mie liste" sulla tua pagina utente

Non tutto sembra ancora buono. Se trovi qualcosa che può essere migliorato lascia un commento.

Hikr.org mobile v.1 is here. It's very simple:
  • To show the right column click on the big button on the top right of the page
  • To show the top menu (Home, Journal, Regions ...) click on the logo on top left of the page
  • Photo page has a new next button under the photo
  • You find "Add report", "Settings" and "My lists" menus on your user page

Not everything is looking very good yet. If you find something that can be improved leave a comment.
  • Edit: new: if you add a photo with hikr-code like [foto 123456k] it will mobile-friendly too (will scale). Example:
  • Edit2: you can click (or touch?) on the markers on the photos on mobile
  • 12.6.23: add/edit report works on mobile
  • 20.6.23 not mobile related, but you can navigate in photos with arrow keys (without ctrl)
  • 22.6.23 waypoint page has bigger map now, like report page, should be easier to use on mobile
  • 25.6.23 Two changes on the page of the "waypoint": 1. More reports are shown (max 100) so there's no need to change pages. 2. On the photo there's a little red marker showing the place

Kommentare (29)

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detlefpalm hat gesagt: Last forum entries
Gesendet am 2. Juni 2023 um 17:27
Hi Stani,
The 'old' hikr was always ok for me, also on my mobile/smartphone - this update is also fine.

Could you re-install the function showing the last 6 or 10 forum topics thar received fresh comments?

Thanks for keeping hikr well maintained and interesting.

kopfsalat hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 2. Juni 2023 um 18:26
looks quite good. will have to test it a bit.

thank you very much.

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 2. Juni 2023 um 22:16
also new, long words don't break the page


pika8x14 hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 2. Juni 2023 um 22:48
Thank you for "mobile v.1" and of course for all your work over the last years.

But we almost didn't find your new information because the forum has been hidden recently ;-)

If not too complex: Maybe a "before" button on the photo page would also be possible?

Best regards.

dominik hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 3. Juni 2023 um 08:17
Wow, how coooool that is! Thanks!!!

pika8x14 hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 3. Juni 2023 um 11:22
The "before/previous" button on the photo page is now installed. Thanks.

Schubi hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 3. Juni 2023 um 16:09
Thank you Stani.

alpstein hat gesagt: Vielen Dank für mobile v. 1
Gesendet am 4. Juni 2023 um 08:20
Wenn man auf dem Smartphone mit Chrome surft, funktioniert die neue Version nur, wenn bei "Desktop Modus" KEIN Häkchen gesetzt ist.
Dies als Hinweis, wenn sich noch jemand wundert, warum er als Neuigkeit nur den Vorwärtspfeil sieht.

georgb hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 4. Juni 2023 um 10:20
Thanks Stan for developing Hikr! But please put the threads on the mainpage again!

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 4. Juni 2023 um 22:13
Edit2: you can click (or touch?) on the markers on the photos on mobile

kopfsalat hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 5. Juni 2023 um 07:40
tested it over the weekend. it's great. many thanks.

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 5. Juni 2023 um 09:53
Merci! Il y a encore des problèmes mais on va les resoudre peu à peu.

kopfsalat hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 12. Juni 2023 um 09:34
Hi Stani

Acutally there is a glitch. When trying to publish a report, in this case a "Kurzbericht", on my iPhone the following message appears: "Es muss ein Bericht angegeben werden." despite the fact, that I typed some letters in the report box.

I can save it, but I can't publish it.

**** DeepL:

Bonjour Stani

En fait, il y a un problème. Lorsque j'essaie de publier un rapport, en l'occurrence un "Kurzbericht" sur mon iPhone, le message suivant apparaît : "Es muss ein Bericht angegeben werden" malgré le fait que j'ai tapé quelques lettres dans la boîte du rapport.

Je peux l'enregistrer, mais je ne peux pas le publier.

alpstein hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 12. Juni 2023 um 12:27
Dieses Problem habe ich mit meinem Samsung Galaxy auch. Wenn ich aber den Desktopmodus wähle, besteht es nicht mehr.

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 12. Juni 2023 um 13:31
Merci kopfsalt et alpstein!
C'est corrigé et mainenant ça doit marcher normallement

kopfsalat hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 12. Juni 2023 um 14:48
super! ça marche maintenant. merci beaucoup!

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 20. Juni 2023 um 22:09
pas pour mobile, mais on peut maintenant naviguer dans les photos avec les fleches <- et -> (sans ctrl)

not mobile related, but you can navigate in photos with arrow keys now (without ctrl)

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 22. Juni 2023 um 22:53
waypoint page has bigger map now, like report page, should be easier to use on mobile

Alias Trödler hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 23. Juni 2023 um 10:52
I have following issue in Browser mode:
When I zoom in from classic view to smartphone view, open the right column with a click on the big ☰ button, immediatly close it, then zoom back to classic view, the sidebar stays empty now.

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 23. Juni 2023 um 11:38
Hi, thanks! We noticed that too but we though nobody will switch modes like this anyway. Will look into it.
Btw, is there a reason for switching modes like this or it's just for the test?

Alias Trödler hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 23. Juni 2023 um 12:05
Good question. I do in fact zoom a lot. But I got into it by testing, of course.

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 23. Juni 2023 um 11:53
Also, just wanted to say, we really appreciate people testing and reporting feedback. Thanks a lot!

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 25. Juni 2023 um 17:48
Two change's on the page of the "waypoint".
- More reports are shown (max 100) so there's no need to change pages
- On the photo there's a little red marker showing the place

F3ttmull hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 28. Juni 2023 um 11:20
Thanks for the mobile support, it´s a lot of work as I can imagine^^
How can I deactivate navigating with arrow keys. If I press the up key I reach to the main site from the gallery for example. So it is a really nice feature to navigate by the left and right arrow keys.
But in the past it also worked well by using the CTRL+left/right keys.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 28. Juni 2023 um 11:38
Hi Thomas, Thanks a lot for the feedback!!!

We was thinking to remove the up key, we also feel it's not useful. But the left and right keys without control are better, for me at least :) I mean you can do it with one hand only. But it still works with control too.

We also want to add "swipe" navigation on the phone, so you can go next photo by "swiping" the page to the left for example. Have to figure out how this work..

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 28. Juni 2023 um 22:24
Removed up arrow, only left and right arrows remains. Does it work better now?

F3ttmull hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 29. Juni 2023 um 09:08
It´s better now, performance is stunning. Good job and further support for this 18 y/o HTML-content :)

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 29. Juni 2023 um 11:11
Thank you. I never use use up arrow key so i couldn't even notice it. Anything else we could fix?

F3ttmull hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 29. Juni 2023 um 11:56
Hi Stani, by using hikr.org on my mobile it could be helpful if the drop-down menu is still visible by clicking on my name ("Ciao F3ttmull!) so I can click further on comments, journal, etc.
Now I have to press for two seconds on my name that this drop-down menu will show up. Thanks in advance again!

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