Tryon Peak 3039 m

Gipfel in 1 Tourenbericht, 6 Foto(s). Letzter Besuch :
2 Sep 16

Geo-Tags: USA, US-CA
In der Nähe von: Ebbetts Peak, Silver Peak, Highland Peak - South Peak

Fotos (6)

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Tourenberichte (1)

Wandern (1)

California   T3  
2 Sep 16
Tryon Peak - a little less than what I had planned
I had planned to do a hike & bike combination from Ebbetts Pass to Tryon -, Highland - and Silver Peak, then drop down to Noble Canyon and State Route 4 and ride my bike (which I left there before the hike) back up to Ebbetts Pass. Quite a program for the little time I had today. Well, due to a combination of lack of fitness...
Publiziert von 360 5. September 2016 um 18:37 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:1) hat wenige Berichte für diesen Wegpunkt.
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Berichte in der Nähe

California   T3+  
16 Sep 16
Highland Peak - pretty high land up there!
What's special about 10935 feet? Nothing really, except if you convert it to meters, you end up with the "pretty number" 3333. Well that's the height of Highland Peak, my goal for the day. This peak also has a pretty high prominence of 2456 ft, so the view up there is expected to be quite impressive. One more time, the...
Publiziert von 360 20. September 2016 um 04:30 (Fotos:20 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
California   T4 I  
9 Sep 16
Silver Peak(s)
Today's prerequisites were very similar like last week's: not too much time and a hike in the Toiyabe National Forest. Today I wanted to make sure to reach my goal(s) and set the expectations way lower than last week: Silver Peak, in fact both peaks from the Noble Creek Trail head. Studying the topo-map and report on summitpost...
Publiziert von 360 12. September 2016 um 21:37 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
California   T5 II  
3 Okt 14
Ebbetts - and Reynolds Peak - fun scrambling on a warm and sunny fall day
During my hike to Hawkins - and Pickett Peak, I saw a very interesting looking mountain somewhat south of me. At home I checked out udeuschle and found out that my newly declared goal was Reynolds Peak. After checking Bob Burds pages, I knew it would be an interesting scramble, in particular the last part all the way to the top....
Publiziert von 360 10. Oktober 2014 um 17:45 (Fotos:22 | Geodaten:1)