California   T4+ WS  
16 Mai 16
First (and Last) Ski Tour of the season 2015/2016: Round Top
The two main conclusions from my hike a few days ago were: "There is plenty of snow on the Northern slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains for a ski tour and I need to improve my fitness" helped me decide on what to do on this day: A ski tour with only little altitude gain on the northern slopes of Round Top. Since I hiked Round...
Publiziert von 360 7. August 2016 um 23:00 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:1)
California   T4+ SS+  
19 Mai 17
Round Top via Crescent Moon Couloir
If I had to name "my favorite peak" in my new home, it would have to be Round Top. Not only because I have been on top of it 3 times already, but also because it offers quite a few interesting routes, in summer and winter and with it's >10000ft altitude a very nice view as well. One of the little more adventurous routes to the...
Publiziert von 360 22. Mai 2017 um 16:56 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)
California   T3 WS-  
26 Mai 17
Round Top from NE - Elephants Back
I had plenty of real life views and took many many pictures of Round Top in the last few weeks. Due to the massive amounts of snow this area got during this winter, I thought of an approach to the top from northeast. I did not find any reports in the www about such a line, but judging from my inspection last week from the top and...
Publiziert von 360 1. Juni 2017 um 20:48 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
California   WS  
29 Mär 19
First tracks on Round Top
Round Top is on my wish list every season and today I was contemplating to start at Woods Lake, like I did here. However, the last winter storm brought more snow to the already very high snow pack in this area and I was afraid to not even be able to park at the turnout there. Instead I planned to start at the sno-park on Carson...
Publiziert von 360 2. April 2019 um 16:30 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)