California   T4+ I WT4  
18 Dez 13
The Sisters Elephants Back (is) Round (on) Top - Snowshoe Hike in the Mokelumne Wilderness
The Sierra Nevada hasn't gotten much snow so far this season. In fact it looks like this will be the driest year on record (all over California). Therefore the amount of snow in the Sierra is rather meager and after my last weeks test of the snow up there, I decided to not scratch my skis any further until some serious snowfall...
Publiziert von 360 21. Dezember 2013 um 01:57 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)
California   T4+ I  
5 Nov 14
With Omega3 on top of Round Top and The Sisters - Mokelumne Wilderness revisited
On their short visit in California Omega3 and partner stopped by at our house and "oh surprise", the next day we planned to go on a hike together. Unfortunately the Sierra Nevada got hit by the first winter storm of the season on the weekend before they arrived. However, judging from webcams and the word from a friend's relative...
Publiziert von 360 9. November 2014 um 19:07 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:1)
California   T5- II  
7 Nov 14
Stevens Peak and Red Lake Peak - abandonned gold mines and some fun scrambling
Two days ago while hiking in this area I spotted Red Lake Peak on the other side of Carson Pass from the top of Round Top and it's inviting snow free south flank. At home I checked the map to find possibilities which could be combined with this peak. A logical choice would have been to traverse from Carson to Luther Pass bagging...
Publiziert von 360 10. November 2014 um 18:16 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)