Jul 29
St.Gallen   T3 ZS  
27 Jul 18
Biwak auf dem Guscha
An diesem Astronomischen Datum sind wohl einige unterwegs gewesen den Blutmond/Mondfinsternis zu sehen. Auch wir waren am Biwakieren in der Fläche beim Guscha oberhalb Flums. Mit noch etwas müden Beinen, aber dank dem e-Bike hoch bis zur Alp Mädems Hintersäss. Ab da zu Fuss zum Guscha. Das Wetter warm und noch ohne Wind. Eine...
Publiziert von tricky 29. Juli 2018 um 10:08 (Fotos:23 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 27
Calanda   T4 L  
26 Jul 18
Rossfallenspitz (2632 m) - bike & hike from St. Margrethenberg
This hike covers the four peaks Stelli (2052 m), Brotjoggli (2115 m), Berger Calanda (2270 m), and last but not least Rossfallenspitz (2632 m). Start of the tour at 7:30 in the morning from St. Margrethenberg. First with the mountain bike on the paved road to Fürggli (P.1333 in the online maps). Then on the unpaved forest road...
Publiziert von Roald 27. Juli 2018 um 11:09 (Fotos:19 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 8
Bregaglia   T4 L  
8 Jul 18
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) are two mountain peaks which are quite far south of Bivio, but a day trip from Bivio is manageable when doing a bike & hike. There were already about 20 tour reports for Piz Piot, but this is the first one which does not start from Juf in Avers. Start of the hike at 8:30 in Bivio....
Publiziert von Roald 8. Juli 2018 um 21:21 (Fotos:39 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 23
Oberhalbstein   T4- L  
23 Jun 18
Piz Turba (3017 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Turba is a mountain at the border between the regions Avers, Bergell, and Oberhalbstein. Start of the hike at 8:20 in Bivio. The weather was perfect with blue skies! I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I partially biked, and partially walked the bike. The road to the Septimer pass is paved for 1.5 km, the rest...
Publiziert von Roald 23. Juni 2018 um 21:00 (Fotos:34 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 16
Oberhalbstein   T4- L  
16 Jun 18
Piz Spegnas (2620 m) - easy, but steep and dangerous
Piz Spegnas (2620 m) is a rather unknown peak approx. 2 km NE of Piz Arblatsch. So far there was only one report here on hikr.org about Piz Spegnas, and it's already six years old! I chose to start at P.1427 at the main road between Rona and Mulegns. It is possible to park right where the unpaved forest road up to Nascharegnas...
Publiziert von Roald 16. Juni 2018 um 22:48 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 15
Oberhalbstein   T5- L L  
15 Jun 18
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) - bike & hike from Tinizong
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) is a peak which requires quite a long ascent/descent when you start from Tinizong or Savognin. Start of the hike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. The road is paved up to Tgant Pensa. In Val d'Err I spotted...
Publiziert von Roald 15. Juni 2018 um 22:49 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 2
Lombardei   T1 L  
20 Mär 18
La Via Francisca al Lucomagno – Tappe 3, 4 e 5 - MTB
Come si sa l’appetito viene mangiando recita un noto adagio. Quasi in ossequio a questo ho deciso di continuare la serie delle tappe della Via Francisca percorrendone tre in un colpo solo anche perché mi erano ben note avendole già seguite in altri momenti. Convoco la mia amica Chiara che ben felice risponde alla chiamata....
Publiziert von gbal 2. April 2018 um 19:10 (Fotos:13 | Kommentare:8 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 15
Lombardei   T1 ZS  
8 Mär 18
La Via Francisca al Lucomagno – 2° Tappa - MTB
Premetto che la maggior parte di questa tappa l’ho percorsa assieme alla precedente Tappa 1 del 14/02/2018 ma un problema occorsomi mi costrinse ad interromperla ed a rimandarne il completamento. Eccomi dunque qui a quasi un mese di distanza per affrontare l’ultima parte: la salita al Santuario di Santa Maria del Monte per...
Publiziert von gbal 15. März 2018 um 21:22 (Fotos:33 | Kommentare:18 | Geodaten:2)
Okt 14
Albulatal   T3 L  
12 Okt 17
Muchetta (2622 m) - bike & hike from Filisur
Muchetta is a mountain east of and above the village Filisur. There is a white-red-white marked trail all the way from Filisur up to the summit, but this ascent implies a hefty 1600 m elevation gain. To at least make the descent a bit easier on the knees, I brought my mountain bike along. I mostly walked the bike uphill on the...
Publiziert von Roald 14. Oktober 2017 um 11:03 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Schanfigg   T3+ L  
13 Okt 17
Tgapeala Cotschna (2712 m) - bike & hike from Alvaneu Dorf
Tgapeala Cotschna is a peak above the village called Alvaneu Dorf. Until now it had only been been described twice here on hikr.org, and in both cases it was a ski tour. I started my hike just above the village Alvaneu Dorf at elevation 1250 m. There is a small parking lot at the end of the road. To drive further up, a special...
Publiziert von Roald 14. Oktober 2017 um 08:16 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 12
Glarus   T5- L  
12 Okt 17
Varianten an Güntelchamm und Hatzgenstock
Bei uns in der Ostschweiz hatte es doch recht heftig geschneit, darum sind zurzeit süd-exponierte Hänge die bessere Wahl. Für mich eine Gelegenheit, die Passagen rund um Güntelchamm und Hatzgenstock einmal genauer anzuschauen. Erst ging es per Bike von Engi-Dorf bis zur Verzweigung der Wege auf rund 1245 m. Bis Chummenberg...
Publiziert von PStraub 12. Oktober 2017 um 17:15 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 4
Lombardei   T2 WS  
23 Jul 17
Generoso e Crocione (di Tremezzo) - No carbon da Como
Ci provo una prima volta, ma, al Boffalora, mi arrendo ad un formidabile temporale, che la tira in lungo, costringendomi ad una birra, poi doppiata all'Alpe di Colonno nell' attesa che una pioggia tignosa sgomberi il campo. Ci provo una seconda volta, quindici giorni più tardi. Questa volta arrivo al Venini in compagnia di...
Publiziert von Nevi Kibo 4. Oktober 2017 um 22:23 (Fotos:35 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Okt 1
St.Gallen   T5 II ZS  
28 Sep 17
Girenspitz beim Pizol
Kurzer Ausflug zur Pizolhütte mit Bike. Danach im Laufschritt hoch zum Girenspitz den es wohl in jedem Kanton mindestens 1x gibt. Hoch ging ich via Wildseehornsattel immer über die grossen Steine. So konnte ich den kontakt zum Schnee sehr gut vermeiden. Weiter alles dem Grat entlang. Anfangs noch sehr gemütlich breit, wurde der...
Publiziert von tricky 1. Oktober 2017 um 15:48 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:2)
Sep 9
St.Gallen   T4 L  
8 Sep 17
Felsberger Calanda (2697 m) - bike & hike from Unterkunkels
Start of the hike in Unterkunkels at 08:30 in the morning. With the mountain bike I followed the road towards Kunkelspass. This road is paved all the way. Somewhere past Oberkunkels as it became steeper, I mostly walked the bike. Near Kunkelspass, I left my mountain bike behind, and continued on foot up the white-red-white...
Publiziert von Roald 9. September 2017 um 12:02 (Fotos:44 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 2
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
31 Jul 17
Piz Laviner (3137 m) - bike & hike from Tinizong
Piz Laviner (3137 m) is a peak which requires quite a long ascent/descent when you start from Tinizong or Savognin. But when making it a combination of bike & hike, it becomes much more manageable. Start of the hike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err,...
Publiziert von Roald 2. August 2017 um 22:15 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 5
Glarus   T3 L  
5 Jul 17
Siwellen, Tristli and Schilt - bike & hike from Ennenda
Start of the hike at 7:30 in Ennenda at the train station. I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I mostly walked the bike though. The road to Ennetberg and even further up is paved and in excellent condition. I parked the bike at elevation 1325 m. From there, I continued on the white-red-white marked trail to...
Publiziert von Roald 5. Juli 2017 um 21:43 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 24
Oberhalbstein   T4 L  
23 Jun 17
Piz Grevasalvas (2932 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
This hike covers the four peaks Motta da Sett (2637 m), Piz dal Sasc (2720 m), Piz Lunghin (2780 m), and Piz Grevasalvas (2932 m). During the ascent towardsPiz Grevasalvas, I tried out a new option for getting more easily up to the ridge between P.2724 and P.2794. During the descent from Piz Grevasalvas, I also tried out a new...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Juni 2017 um 23:31 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 20
St.Gallen   T5+ ZS  
18 Jun 17
Eigentlich sollte der Titel heissen; Wasserdepot setzen mit Biwak Übernachtung und Bike Rekognoszierungs-Tour. Am Freitag Nachmittag mit dem Bike hoch zu meinem Biwakplatz oberhalb Stelli. Raufgefahren via Trüebbach-Palfries. Die Nacht angenehm, wenn auch gegen morgen sehr feucht. Eine Einheimische sagt mir das ich Glück...
Publiziert von tricky 20. Juni 2017 um 14:03 (Fotos:37 | Geodaten:3)
Jun 16
Prättigau   T3 ZS  
14 Jun 17
Vilan - Bike n Hike
Mit dem Bike von Sargans hoch via Meienfeld - Jenins - Mittelsäss. Ab Hoch Carneli zu Fuss (Skyrunning) dem Alpinen Wanderweg hoch zum Messhaldenspitz und weiter zum Vilan. Zurück den gleichen Weg zum Bike. Runter ging ich via Älpli den Wanderweg der direkt unter der Bahn runterführt. Um dieser Zeit ist kein Wanderer mehr...
Publiziert von tricky 16. Juni 2017 um 11:21 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:4)
Jun 11
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
11 Jun 17
Bike & hike to Pizza Grossa (2939 m)
This hike was inspired by hike reports from ivo66 describing the ascent on the Pizza Grossa south ridge. It ended up being a wonderful hike in picture perfect weather! I started my hike & bike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. At...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Juni 2017 um 23:35 (Fotos:38 | Geodaten:1)